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Needle Type

Needle Type





Twin Mold

바늘_대지 1.png

Cog B

Cog N

Mold B

Mold N

Twin Cog


mold N.PNG
바늘종류 2.png






바늘종류 2.png


ST Cog

SP Cog


Threads Model Specific Features

1. Mono type

- Basic absorbable thread.
- Considerably low price.
- Smooth insertion during the procedure.
- No interruption in a daily life even right after the procedure.
- Reduces fine lines and wrinkles due to the formation of collagen.

It is the most basic type of absorbable threads. It reduces fine lines and wrinkles due to formation of collagen like other types do but it has much lower price than others. Moreover, due to its smooth insertion during the procedure, it nearly has no interruption in a daily life even right after the procedure.


2. Screw type

- Expected to form collagen better than Mono type.
- Has a volumizing effect (similar to filler).
- Has a great effect on giving volume on sunken area of the skin.

It is expected to form collagen better than Mono type. The most important characteristic of Screw type is that it has a volumizing effect which is similar to filler. Especially it has a great effect on giving volume on sunken area of the skin.


3. Multi type

- It is designed as 14 lines of the mono thread (7 threads folded).
   (5 sutures inside, 2 sutures outside)
- Has even stronger volumizing effect than Screw type and forms more collagen.
- It is thicker and stronger than any type of single thread, so the effect after procedure is even more powerful.

It is designed as 14 lines of the mono threads which is 7 threads folded; 5 sutures inside, 2 sutures outside. It has even stronger volumizing effect than Screw type and forms more collagen. Since it is thicker and stronger than any type of single thread, so the effect after procedure is even more powerful.


4. Cavern type

- Produced in the shape of a spring.
- Has even stronger volumizing effect than Screw type and forms more collagen.
- Inserted into sagging area, and adds volume by maintaining its spring form.
- Stimulates various sites of the skin in multiple directions.

It’s produced in the shape of a spring. It has even stronger volumizing effect than Screw type and forms more collagen like Multi type. It is inserted into the sagging area and adds volume by maintaining its spring form. Also, it stimulates various sites of the skin in multiple directions.


5. Cog type

- Essentially a Mono thread with barbs to hook to the underside of the skin.
- Barbs hook into surrounding tissues to lift and hold them in place (better anchoring effect).
- Collagen formation occurs around the thread and its barbs.
- Compared to Mono threads, produces a more dramatic effect in fine lines and wrinkles removal and even can be used to lift breasts and buttocks.

It’s essentially a Mono thread with barbs to hook to the underside of the skin. Barbs hook into the surrounding tissues to lift and hold them in place which makes it have a better anchoring effect, and collagen formation occurs around the thread and its barbs. Compared to Mono threads, produces a more dramatic effect in fine lines and wrinkles removal and even can be used to lift other parts of the body like breasts and buttocks.

Cog N.png
Cog B.png

6. Mold type

- Even better anchoring and lifting effect than Cog thread.
- A longer lasting effect than Cog thread (Better longevity).
- Our Mold threads are manufactured through a mechanical process without heat. Therefore, they are better in safety (due to no chemical change on material), quality and tensile strength compared to other companies'.

Mold B.png
Mold N.png

7. Twin type

- Allow locating a precisely divided position in two halves of the thread.
- Symmetrically distributes tissues weight on both halves of the thread.
- Able to finish up with only one single procedure, whereas other threads might need multiple procedures.
- Our Twin thread has 2 types; Twin Cog, and Twin Mold.
- Twin Mold tends to show better effect in longevity than Twin Cog.
- It shows dramatic effect after procedure, and even can be used on the body other than face, such as thighs, breasts, and buttocks.

Twin Mold.png
Twin Cog.png
2L Bio Logo (Large)_edited

Company : 2L BIO Co., Ltd

CEO : Kyeong-Ro Lee

​Company Reg. No : 451-88-00230

Address : [22793] 101-ho, Ga-Dong, Incheon-Techpia, 17, Geobuk-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea

Customer Center

TEL  : +82 - 32-573-2101

CELL:   +82-10-5804-6211


FAX :  +82 - 32-573-2102

Email : 


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